Connie Gray, native plant specialist, Georgia Native Plant Society – Athens Chapter
This course will focus on the most common ferns in the Blue Ridge, Ridge and Valley, Cumberland Plateau, Brevard Fault zone and upper areas of the Piedmont. Many of these are also found further south, but some species are very uncommon or not present at all in the Piedmont. The class will begin with an introduction to the biology and morphology of the ferns, especially those features that will help you identify the different species. The natural habitats of these different ferns will also be discussed. We will examine each of these ferns through slides, an outdoor venture to see many of these plants in person in the Dunson Native Flora Garden, and we will examine samples under magnification when we return indoors. The primary focus of the class is to learn to recognize and appreciate these beautiful and fascinating native plants. There will be some discussion about using them in gardens as well.