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Native Ferns of the North Georgia Mountain Regions

Visitor Center & Conservatory Adult Classroom 2450 S. Milledge Avenue, Athens, Georgia, United States

Connie Gray, native plant specialist, Georgia Native Plant Society – Athens Chapter This course will focus on the most common ferns typically found in the Blue Ridge, Ridge and Valley, Cumberland Plateau, Brevard Fault zone and upper areas of the Piedmont. Many of these are also found further south, but there are species that are...

Monarchs & Beyond: Pollinator Stewardship

Visitor Center & Conservatory Adult Classroom 2450 S. Milledge Avenue, Athens, Georgia, United States

Susan Meyers, monarch watch conservation specialist, Monarchs Across Georgia This class will take an in-depth look at the biology and ecology of the monarch butterfly in North America, its migration, species status assessment and conservation efforts. With an overall 90% population decline in the past 20 years, the monarch has become the poster child for...

Plants We Love to Hate: Identifying and Controlling Exotic Pest Plants

Visitor Center & Conservatory Adult Classroom 2450 S. Milledge Avenue, Athens, Georgia, United States

Gary Crider, naturalist and invasive plant control specialist This workshop is an introduction to the identification and control of invasive, non-native pest plants. Students will learn about the major “offenders” in the Georgia Piedmont and how these plants cause ecological harm to native plant communities and wildlife. The class will also focus on habitat restoration...

Grow Your Own Prairie in North Georgia

Visitor Center & Conservatory Adult Classroom 2450 S. Milledge Avenue, Athens, Georgia, United States

Karin Hicks, Georgia master gardener and master naturalist Prairies, meadows, savannas and woodlands were once an integral part of Georgia’s piedmont and mountain ecoregions. These habitats have nearly disappeared but are now being restored and re-created by gardeners, ecologists and landscapers. This class will teach you the basics of creating a prairie on your property,...

Warm-Season Grasses of the Georgia Piedmont

Visitor Center & Conservatory Adult Classroom 2450 S. Milledge Avenue, Athens, Georgia, United States

Zach Wood, grasslands coordinator, State Botanical Garden of Georgia Grasses are the most economically and ecologically important plant family, but most of us know very little about them and fewer still know how to identify grasses. In this class, we will learn to recognize common fall-flowering grass species of the Georgia Piedmont. During the first...

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