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Plants We Love to Hate: Identifying and Controlling Non-native Invasive Pest Plants

Visitor Center & Conservatory Adult Classroom 2450 S. Milledge Avenue, Athens, Georgia, United States

Gary Crider, naturalist and invasive plant control specialist This workshop is an introduction to the identification and control of invasive, non-native pest plants. Students will learn about the major “offenders” in the Georgia Piedmont and how these plants cause ecological harm to native plant communities and wildlife. The class will also focus on habitat restoration...

Warm-Season Grasses of the Georgia Piedmont

Visitor Center & Conservatory Adult Classroom 2450 S. Milledge Avenue, Athens, Georgia, United States

Zach Wood, grasslands coordinator, State Botanical Garden of Georgia Grasses are the most economically and ecologically important plant family, but most of us know very little about them and fewer still know how to identify grasses. In this class, we will learn to recognize common fall-flowering grass species of the Georgia Piedmont. During the first...

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