Jim Moneyhun
Flower Garden Curator

The Flower Garden

Flowers captivate humans and animals alike. For some, gazing upon a flower can evoke strong personal feelings such as happiness, tranquility or desire. The characteristics that bring forth emotion and inspire artists and gardeners, also attract pollinators to aid the plant life cycle.

The Flower Garden was opened in 2008 and explores the world of flowers: their derivation, culture and botanical classification. Within the Flower Garden are a number of specialty gardens and collections to illustrate particular subjects.

In the Lower Flower Garden, specialty gardens include the iris garden, fragrance garden, curator’s choice garden and the butterfly garden. Additionally, the annual garden features the All-American Selections display which goes on to compete in the national AAS Garden Display Competition each year. With three tiers of lawn, the Lower Flower Garden also offers opportunities to relax or watch events held on the stage. Other highlights in the lower garden include seasonal bulbs, cut flowers, dahlias, daylilies, tropical foliage plants and peonies.

The Upper Flower Garden includes the rose garden, chapel walk, meditation garden and woodland walk. The chapel walk layers bulbs, perennials, shrubs and trees to maximize interest all year long. The Upper Flower Garden highlights include rotating annual beds and planters, seasonal bulbs, shade-loving foliage plants and native woodland ephemerals.

We welcome you to come and experience everything the Flower Garden has to offer.