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The riverside section of the garden’s white trail is closed due to flooding.


Enjoy the beauty and intimacy of the State Botanical Garden’s Cecil B. Day Chapel for your special event. The space, designed to harmonize with the surrounding hardwood forest, features a welcoming interior bathed in natural light. An elaborately carved glass and mahogany entrance provides the picture-perfect gateway to a truly memorable experience. Outstanding acoustics accompany the chapel’s visual beauty. The reception hall downstairs and its dining area extends onto a gorgeous patio. The chapel was given graciously to the garden by the family of Cecil B. Day. We hope it will come to mean as much to you as it does to them.

The Day Chapel is avai­l­able in two ren­tal pack­ages: Sanctuary or Sanctuary with Recep­tion Hall. The Sanctuary pack­age includes use of the 130-seat upper level and access to dress­ing rooms for the bride and groom on the lower level. The Sanctuary with Recep­tion Hall pack­age offers access to the entire space and all its fur­nish­ings. This includes use of the fully equipped cater­ing kitchen, tables and chairs, the out­side patio and the recep­tion hall, which is large enough for 65 guests seated or 130 guests gathered.

Can’t visit us and see our facilities in person? Click here for our virtual facility tours!

Rental Rates

Contact the rentals department at 706-542-6467 or for rental rates.


Image courtesy of Sabrina Fattal Photography.

Image courtesy of Janet Howard Studio.

Image courtesy of Madie Ice Photography.

Image courtesy of Madie Ice Photography.

Image courtesy of Sabrina Fattal Photography.

Image courtesy of Sabrina Fattal Photography.

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