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The State Botanical Garden will delay opening until 10 a.m. on Thursday, Jan. 23.

The Georgia Grasslands Initiative is a conservation-based project within the state of Georgia. This initiative aims to motivate action, instill inspiration and support change on behalf of native plants by raising awareness for the loss of biodiversity in Georgia and preserving the native grassland ecosystem throughout the state.

What happened to the Georgia grasslands?

Grasslands in Georgia have been lost to our collective memory. They disappeared because of fire suppression across the state, lack of disturbance historically by elk, intense land use history and reforestation with closely placed trees creating a lack of sunlight in woodlands. A few precious examples do exist. Help us find small, relict sites along roadsides and rights of way, in old fields and mature woods. You can help by joining the garden’s Georgia Grasslands Initiative project on iNaturalist.

This initiative is prioritizing identification, restoration, management, education and connection to grasslands in the northern third of Georgia, the Piedmont, mountains, ridge and valley and Cumberland plateau. To follow the great work and progress of coastal plain grasslands and the longleaf pine ecosystem, visit our colleagues in The Longleaf Alliance and The Orianne Society.

Types of grasslands in Georgia

So many of Georgia’s habitats are sunny and open with sunlight reaching the forest floor. There are many different types of Georgia grasslands including woodlands, barrens, rocky summits, cliffs, domes, glades, bogs, fens, longleaf pine forests, outcrops, gravelly seeps, prairies, savannas, cobbly river shoals, sandhills, dunes, flatwoods, swamp and marsh. To learn more about these plant communities, click here.

How to help

  • Get rid of invasive species. This guide outlines how to identify and control 12 common invasive plants in Georgia.
  • Spend time in nature.
  • Help the garden find native, sun-loving open forest species using iNaturalist.
  • Plant the right plants for the right space.
  • Buy native plants from native plant nurseries to support Georgia growers. View our recommended native plant nursery list here.
  • Value roadsides as corridors of plant grassland diversity.
  • Plant Georgia Pollinator Plants of the Year

Georgia Grasslands Initiative on iNaturalist

The State Botanical Garden of Georgia has conservation efforts in place to help preserve and repopulate native wildflowers and grassland species. Now, efforts are underway to encourage community members around the state to help track remaining existing wild populations to aid in conservation using iNaturalist, a digital app that allows everyone to upload photos. The iNaturalist application identifies plants and animals and tracks them to help guide conservation work.

Learn about grasslands

To learn more about the importance of biodiversity and the grasslands ecosystem, check out this collection of educational videos, webinars, articles and other helpful resources below.

Support the garden.