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Connect to Protect is a program that combines beautiful public displays of native plants with educational materials to foster an understanding of the role that native plants play in maintaining biodiversity in urban and suburban landscapes of Georgia.

Healthy ecosystems depend on plant and animal interactions. The food web starts with the smallest among us: insects. Insects require native plants to eat, and native plants need insect pollinators. Reptiles, amphibians, birds, fish and mammals all require insects in their diets to survive and reproduce. Insects also play a crucial role in food production.

Without native plants woven into urban and suburban landscapes, biodiversity declines at all levels, from beneficial insects (including pollinators) to birds to fish and mammals. The good news is that studies have shown that adding regionally appropriate native plants to urban and suburban neighborhoods significantly impacts biodiversity.

The goal of Connect to Protect is to provide the public information, plant materials and educational tools to teach the significance of incorporating native plants on large and small scales alike. Connect to Protect gardens range in size from potted gardens to full-sized gardens.

Connect to Protect is funded in part by the Vaughn-Jordan Foundation.


Support wildlife by providing nectar, pollen, food and shelter.

Encourage schools, businesses and parks to include native plants in their landscapes.

Provide teaching materials to foster an appreciation for the connections between plants, animals and people.

How to “Connect to Protect”

Staff from the State Botanical Garden of Georgia will work with you to customize your Connect to Protect garden to suit your site and individual needs. Contact us at

How We Can Help

  • Training classes through the Certificate in Native Plants Program
  • Contract grown plant material
  • Interpretive signage
  • Help with plant sourcing through our network of growers
  • Plant lists
  • Sample garden designs
  • Sample budgets

Support the garden.