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August Friends First Friday Monarch Butterflies

Porcelain and Decorative Arts Museum – Classroom 2450 S. Milledge Ave., Athens, Georgia, United States

$12 general admission | $10 for members Please join Shawna McGrath as she gives a presentation about the importance of protecting and conserving monarch butterflies, one of the most familiar of the North American butterflies. This informative and interactive presentation will be full of visuals and tips she has used over the years for rearing...

Sunflower Concert Series – Abbey Road LIVE!

Flower Garden Lawn 2450 S Milledge Ave, Athens, GA, United States

The Sunflower Concert Series at the State Botanical Garden of Georgia is an opportunity for the community to enjoy music in the garden. The concerts, held in the Flower Garden, offer visitors an unparalleled experience. Some of Athens’ finest musicians perform in a beautiful horticultural setting. Each concert includes beverages and people are encouraged to...

September Friends First Friday Behind the Scenes at the SBG Greenhouses

State Botanical Garden Horticulture Complex 2450 S Milledge Ave, Athens

$12 general admission | $10 for members Join us for a behind-the-scenes open house of the production greenhouses at the State Botanical Garden. From 9-11 a.m., the greenhouses will be open to Friends First Friday guests for an open house event. Eli McKinney, greenhouse manager, as well as other horticulture staff, will be on hand...

October Friends First Friday Container Gardening and More

Porcelain and Decorative Arts Museum – Classroom 2450 S. Milledge Ave., Athens, Georgia, United States

$12 general admission | $10 for members As the curator of seasonal color, Sheldon Jones is responsible for the Visitor Center patio water feature, multiple containers around the gardens, multiple annual and permanent beds, native grass plantings on the entrance drive, and the maintenance and care of the conifer collection at the Callaway administrative building. ...

November Friends First Friday The Shady Side of Gardening

Porcelain and Decorative Arts Museum – Classroom 2450 S. Milledge Ave., Athens, Georgia, United States

$12 general admission | $10 for members Sara Henderson recently retired as director of the garden at Oakland Cemetery where she served for almost 15 years. Sara has a passion for shade plants and is committed to finding the right plant for the right place. She's also committed to gardening in a way that considers...

December Friends First Friday Pining for Spring

Terrace Room at the Garden Club of Georgia Headquarters 2450 S Milledge Ave, Athens, Georgia

$12 general admission | $10 for members Join Cliff Brock as he describes what you can be doing and planning to prepare for a new year of gardening. Winter is the season for longing and daydreaming about all the fun gardening you’ll be doing in the next few months. In this talk, Cliff will offer...

CANCELED – January Friends First Friday Breeding Plants for a Crowded Market

Porcelain and Decorative Arts Museum – Classroom 2450 S. Milledge Ave., Athens, Georgia, United States

$12 general admission | $10 for members Due to the inclement weather forecast, Friends First Friday on Jan. 10 has been canceled. David Roberts has a deep love for plant breeding and propagation and hopes to inspire gardeners with exciting new plants that are unique and easy to care for. Roberts earned his master’s degree...

February Friends First Friday Dorothy Doughty’s American Birds

Porcelain and Decorative Arts Museum – Classroom 2450 S. Milledge Ave., Athens, Georgia, United States

$12 general admission | $10 for members Please join us as Grace Moorman explores the life and art of master sculptor Dorothy Doughty, focusing on Doughty's American Birds series. Doughty is best known for her work with the Royal Worcester porcelain manufactory, where she designed numerous sculptures of birds and flowers. She was an avid lover of...

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